How to Bulk Convert WebP Images to JPG Using ImageMagick

for i in *.webp; do name=`echo "$i" | cut -d'.' -f1`; convert "$i" "${name}.jpg"; done

When I find myself needing to convert a directory full of WebP images to JPG or PNG, Linux and ImageMagick is always there to help.

Step 1: Check if ImageMagick is Installed

First, make sure ImageMagick is installed. You can check by running:

convert --version

If it’s not already installed, no worries—it’s easy to set up on Ubuntu:

sudo apt update
sudo apt install imagemagick

Step 2: Convert WebP to JPG

Now with ImageMagick you can convert all WebP images in the current directory with this one-liner:

for i in *.webp; do name=`echo "$i" | cut -d'.' -f1`; convert "$i" "${name}.jpg"; done

Breaking down the command:

  • for i in *.webp; loops through every WebP file in the directory.
  • name=echo “$i” | cut -d’.’ -f1; strips the .webp extension to leaving just the filename.
  • convert "$i" "${name}.jpg"; converts all WebP files in the loop to JPG.

Step 3: Done!

After running the command, all your images are converted to JPG format, ready for using where you need them.

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